Claudio Vanni

In Unicoop Firenze his career began in 1979. Claudio is the Director of the External Relations and he is the Assistant to the President of the Co-operative Supervisory Board. He has the responsibility for the Communication and for the Cultural activities offered to over 1 million members of the Co-operative. During his history Unicoop Firenze has promoted lots of cultural initiatives involving local and national Italian Institutions, such as the organization of a crowd funding for the restoration of the Florentine Baptistery. He is member of the Board of “Il Cuore si Scioglie onlus Foundation”, a no profit organization the purpose of which is to promote the sense of solidarity not only in the third World countries but also in Italy.Claudio has been in charge of the start-up of the Foundation in 2010 and he is still the responsible for its main activities. His role is to individuate and to manage domestic and international projects.


entra in contatto con noi


aiutaci a costruire un mondo sostenibile